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Like any technology-driven organisation, media companies need to keep their equipment up to date to remain competitive and win new business. Technology changes fast, so remaining at the top of your field can be expensive and affect your cash flow. This is why GSM has specialised in providing asset finance for media, broadcast, live events and AV companies and over the past two decades have become a market leader in sourcing a range of alternative finance.



Camera, audio-visual and broadcast equipment isn’t cheap; outright purchases are major investments that use up your working capital and affect cashflow management. Portable studios and sets, camera vehicles, mixing and editing equipment, monitors, laptops and everything back at the studio… it all adds up, but it’s all essential to produce the right quality footage and audio to keep the clients happy and to win new work.


GSM Finance helps media, recording and broadcast companies to get more for their money, keep cash in the bank and remain agile and mobile through asset financing of essential equipment. GSM are able to arrange alternative finance deals such as hire purchase, leasing and business loans that will complement your business.



An example of equipment that GSM can finance:




























Speak to one of our brokers today 



If you are a broadcast or media company and haven’t used asset finance previously, why not speak to our Broadcast and Media finance expert Ben who will be able to run through the advantages and disadvantages of hire purchase, lease or a loan. He will be able to suggest the alternative business finance that will be most applicable to your business and its needs.  Contact GSM Today



If you already use asset finance and would like to see if we are able to structure you a better deal, again feel free to Contact us via email or phone, or if you prefer, use our contact form and we will put together a no obligation quote for you to compare.   


Amps and speakers



Audio Visual Equipment


Outside broadcast Equipment

Post Production Equipment


Sound Stage Equipment

VFX Editing Suites


Previously we have structured hire purchase and lease deals for £15,000 camera drones to the full kit out of a London recording studio. Asset Finance has been essential for our clients in ensuring they stay at the top of this industry and without these alternative finance products would struggle to access these essential assets.

Example Finance Deal 

Broadcast and Media alternative finance deals come in a variety of shapes and sizes and we are able to arrange finance on equipment from £15,000 up to £5,000,000 +.




Broadcast Video Camera
Camera Flash Lighting Equipment
Drone Camera

Talk to us.

For the assets your business needs to secure its future, for a loan to secure its present or for equity from assets secured in the past. We can help.  Contact the team today on:

020 8874 9994

Please fill out the short form below if you require funding for any asset type, unsecured loan or refinance of already purchased assets from £10k to £5m

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